Monday, October 10, 2011

Missing iTunes.msi problem – resolved!

Missing iTunes.msi problem

Ahh finally!  I have managed to figure out how to solve the ‘missing iTunes.msi’ file error that kept coming up when I tried to update iTunes!!
I was so scared of losing all my music and not being able to update my iPhone to the new 4.0 software because of this stupid error!
Anyway.  How to fix it..

First download the Microsoft Windows Installer CleanUp Utility and run it from Start Menu once installed.  Choose iTunes from the list and to be honest, any Apple related things such as Quicktime, iPhone stuff etc and then click remove.  At this point – don’t panic!  You will NOT lose any data such as songs, play counts, playlists etc.
Once you have done that – you are SORTED!!  Go straight to iTunes and download the latest version and it will install without a problem!  Everything remains the same apart from you will be using the newer shiny version of iTunes


Rothvax said...

Thanks for the tips =D, that helped me =)

Greetings from Peru.

Anonymous said...

fucking love u man Thanks

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I still get that popup box when I try to d/l newest version of iTunes. Please email me at
I'm not sure what you mean

Unknown said...

Not sure what you mean by "run it from Start Menu once installed. Choose iTunes from the list", WHAT list?
There is no list to choose from. Is there supposed to be a dropdown box in which to choose from?
Once again, PLEASE email me, I'm about to pull my hair out.

chi2kblog said...

hi... the latest itunes is different .. i wish if i could get a help u out soon... but will try my best and see..but u should also try apple support ... trying to understand the new newest version..

Unknown said...

I finally got all taken care of, Uninstalled iTunes, then am now in the process of syncing everything back to my iPod Touch.Thank you for all your help!

Anonymous said...

Thanks a lot for the help!

Anonymous said...

It really helped!!!!!!! Thank you